Sep 21, 2011


Choices.  Some prove disastrous, some fruitful.  Several I've made were disastrous.  In hindsight, I see the reason I failed so miserably is because I didn't look to God for help.  I forged ahead and made decisions based on emotion, on whim, on impulse, on bad advice.  Not a good idea. Not wise.
"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."  James 3:17 ESV
This passage is a great guideline for interacting with our world.  If I follow the checklist in this simple verse, I can avoid a lot of misery.

First pure":  hmmmn...seems my thoughts should not have any devious, self-centered motives.
Second: "then peaceable"...if my decision breeds discord, it bears rethinking.
Third: "gentle":  if my conversation and attitude is harsh, arrogant, and comes from an air of superiority, then I need to look at myself and make some changes.
Fourth: "open to reason"...if I am narrow-minded, stubborn and rigid-- unwilling to compromise, and settle for something different that what I wanted, it is not from a perspective of wisdom.
Fifth: "full of mercy"...oh, my.  remember that I am not living on an island in my decisions.  I have more than myself to consider.  I must show mercy to those involved with the ultimate choice I make.
Sixth: "good fruits"...if my decision produces anger, resentment, bitterness, misunderstanding and discord, then the fruit of my choice is definitely not from "above".  It's from inside.
"Seventh: "impartial"...ah...this one is tough.  But favoritism is void of consideration and creates problems of jealousy, envy, and division.
Eighth: "sincere":  Wisdom consists of honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness.  It seeks to do the best for all concerned.  It looks to God and follows His standards and principles-- not the world's.

In the end...wisdom is not a single thought; it is a process of several. Each bears the mark of God when wisdom is from above.  selahV

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